

What’s the best way to start off a Monday morning?

A fellow blogger nominating me for an award. Yes, please!!

A huge thanks to the fantastic Sanjeev, of My Kaleidoscope, for presenting me with this. Go check him out…seriously.

Since I am training the new Office Manager (yes I am training someone who will be my boss…ha…ha…) I will keep this short and sweet. Once again, a huge thanks for the nomination. It will never fail to make me feel special.

The rules for this award:

Display the Award Certificate on your blog.
Write a post and link back to the blogger who nominated you.
Nominate 15 other bloggers.
Inform them of their nomination via comment in their blog.
Post 7 interesting things about yourself.
7 Things You Probably Don’t Care About and Never Needed To Know But Whatever:
1) I crack my knuckles.

2) I love to get flowers for no reason. Sunflowers, Pink Tulips, and Dahlia’s are my favorites.

3) I just moved into a new place [no I won’t tell you where…weirdo] and have decorated it for Christmas already with Matt. Christmas tree…check. Personalized stockings….check. Weird holiday themed magnets…super check.

4) I used to have blonde hair. I dyed it once, all the way and all at once, ruined it, and will never go back.

5) I love the clicking sound of a keyboard.

6) I was a teacher’s pet. They let me sleep in class…grade other kids tests…and do their busy work while the class was working….because I’m that good. Not because I’m a goodie-two-shoes…okay?

7) I love the smell of pine.

8) I don’t like to follow authority or rules. I’m definitely a leader, not follower.

I would like to nominate the following bloggers for this award:

Hutch over at Catchingascentofsalt. Way better than me.

Sincerely, Ms. Roberts.

A Mom’s Blog.

Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss.

Thoughts of RKH.

Life as a Country Bumpkin…Not a City Girl.

Sunglasses Always Fit.

Friendly Fairy Tales.

You guys are the cream of the crop. I enjoy reading your posts!